Voters with Disabilities


Do not allow a disability to be a barrier to voting!

There are several ways for people who need accessible methods to vote. You as the voter can choose which of these to use. It is not the decision of election officials which method you use. Your ballot cannot be identified by others because you are using any of these methods. 

Absentee voting by mail. Incapacity or confinement due to illness or a disability is one of the reasons Missouri voters may request an absentee ballot that doesn’t need to be notarized. The deadline to apply is 5pm on the 2nd Wednesday before any election.

Anyone with a permanent disability may request to be placed on a list of voters who automatically receive an absentee ballot application before each election. Please contact your election authority’s absentee department to learn more.

Accessible voting machines offer different options for voters with different needs, including those with print disabilities. As soon as you can after arriving at your polling place, alert election officials that you wish to use an accessible voting machine to allow them any setup time they may need.  

•             If you are blind, a human-sounding voice can read you the ballot. There should be a set of headphones to use to listen to the ballot for this option, but you can bring your own headset if you wish.  

•             If you have some vision and can benefit from larger print, you can elect this option. No need to struggle with a magnifier.  

•             If you have a learning disability or other intellectual disabilities, the features of this voting booth may be of benefit.

•             If you have limited use of your hands, there are easy-to-use knobs and buttons.  

Help marking your ballot: 

•             You can bring into the voting booth any person of your choice who is at least age 18 to help you mark your ballot.

•             If you do not have anyone available to help you mark your ballot at your precinct, two election officials, one Democrat and one Republican, will assist you in the voting booth.

Curbside Voting. If you have health limitations that prevent you from getting inside a precinct location, you can have the ballot brought to you at your car by election officials. By law, there should be a clearly marked driving lane/parking spot for this. In some counties, look for a doorbell to alert election officials that you need curbside voting. In other counties, a sign may direct you on how to request your ballot, or you can have anyone go inside to alert a poll worker.

Wheelchair accessible voting booths are required at each polling location.